Skin Salve Moisturiser is designed to soothe and cool sensitive skin. Gently massage it in two to three times daily to hydrate, soften, and smooth. Made with minimal preservatives for safety, it’s most effective alongside the Skin Salve programme but can also be used alone for mild eczema. Keep your skin calm, nourished, and protected every day.

Loved by customers for over 30 years

Natural ingredients

No irritants, no parabens and no SLS
Why it works
Natural moisturiser for people with dry and itchy skin
As with all Skin Salve products, the Original Moisturiser is effective for people with sensitive skin because it nourishes, hydrates and protects the skin, without exposing you to harmful irritants. In a lot of moisturisers, manufacturers use harmful chemicals to help with shelf life.
The Skin Salve moisturiser contains as few preservatives as possible so that for sensitive skin sufferers, they can moisturise, nourish, hydrate and protect their skin. This means that it doesn’t have the shelf life of shop bought products (it can still be stored for up to 12 months) but the tradeoff is worth it for sensitive skin sufferers.
The nourishing skin cream is regularly used in the work environment as a barrier to irritants that are known to cause contact eczema and dermatitis.
It is also used extensively in the sporting world by athletes for dry and cracked heals, softening the skin. The unique properties of the sodium silicate provides protection to the damaged skin, assisting the healing process and preventing further damage by sealing in natural moisture leaving a protective, natural barrier on the skin.
Long lasting rejuvenation properties
No fragrance additives
No colourants
No known allergic reactions
Soothes and cools irritated skin

Hear from our happy customers,
who've trusted Skin Salve for over 30 years