May 30, 2024

Skin Conditions in Summer

Climate and weather can have a clear effect on skin conditions and as we approach summertime in the UK, some people will be having fewer flare ups while others may now be seeing their eczema getting worse in warmer weather.

Writing on the National Eczema Association website, Jeffrey Bienstock MD says: “We know that eczema is something we see all year-round but in the summertime, it can be a little more challenging when the hot weather can make eczema itch more fiercely and the humidity makes it more difficult to control.”

And according to Dr. Steven Q. Wang, while perspiration cools the body down it could also irritate a person’s eczema. Areas of the body where moisture accumulates such as the insides of the elbows, back of the knees and around the neck tend to be hot spots for eczema rashes.

Eczema can also flare up due to allergies and people can experience more skin problems due to seasonal allergies such as pollen. Read more about pollen and eczema on this National Eczema Society webpage:

Here are some tips that nay help with skin challenges brought by warmer weather:

  • Rinse off perspiration with fresh water and an allergen-free soap, and change into a new outfit.

  • Be picky about the ingredients found in your moisturiser, sunblock, and insect repellent, checking for harsh chemicals that could aggravate your skin.

  • Drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated.

  • Some people with eczema have found swimming in saltwater to be helpful. It’s a good idea to rinse in fresh water and pat the skin dry after swimming in saltwater, and the same goes for swimming in chlorinated pools. Dr Bienstock advises: “Then lather up with some form of emollient to lock in moisture.” For more on swimming and eczema, read this National Eczema Society factsheet:

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We use natural ingredients in all of our products, but it's still possible to experience an adverse reaction to certain elements.

If any reaction or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a medical professional.

Skin Salve is the trading name of Dav Group Ltd. A company registered in the UK.

Company registration number: 15339184

Registered address:

2 Priors Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5AA

© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved

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We use natural ingredients in all of our products, but it's still possible to experience an adverse reaction to certain elements. If any reaction or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a medical professional.

Skin Salve is the trading name of Dav Group Ltd. A company registered in the UK.

Company registration number: 15339184

Registered address:

2 Priors Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5AA

© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved

This page has been reviewed

We use natural ingredients in all of our products, but it's still possible to experience an adverse reaction to certain elements. If any reaction or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a medical professional.

Skin Salve is the trading name of Dav Group Ltd. A company registered in the UK.

Company registration number: 15339184

Registered address:

2 Priors Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5AA

© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved

This page has been reviewed

We use natural ingredients in all of our products, but it's still possible to experience an adverse reaction to certain elements.

If any reaction or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a medical professional.

Skin Salve is the trading name of Dav Group Ltd. A company registered in the UK.

Company registration number: 15339184

Registered address:

2 Priors Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5AA

© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved