Mar 1, 2025
Sodium Silicate in soap
Sodium Silicate is a sodium salt of silicic acid. It’s used in hundreds of products, including some baby lotions.There’s some history to why Skin Salve Natural Soap contains Sodium Silicate.
When the soap was first created 30 years ago, the challenge was to create a natural soap that cleanses, is gentle on the skin, could be used daily and didn’t dry out the skin.
Two North East Doctors (North East of England) made a breakthrough when they discovered a way of creating a soap that would be gentle on the skin while also delivering a vital ingredient – sodium silicate.
Sodium silicate is a natural element known to heal damaged, dry and itchy skin. It is used by doctors to help treat burn victims and has the potential to greatly benefit people who suffer dry, itchy, flakey skin conditions. More recently, it’s also been found to be a great product in ‘skin tightening’.
Is Sodium Silicate safe in soap?
In a word, yes. It doesn’t score the perfect 1 out of 10 on the EWG verification because it’s not ideal around the eyes or in products that can be inhaled. But no soap should go in your eyes or be inhaled.
This ingredient’s score is higher if used in products intended for use around the eyes due to increased risk of absorption.
Products with this ingredient are allowed for use in EWG VERIFIED but must meet use restrictions and warnings based on EWG review of company data.
This ingredient’s score is higher if used in products that are inhalable (e.g., sprays, powders) because of respiratory concerns.
Products with the EWG VERIFIED mark have met use restrictions and warnings based on EWG review of company data. [1]
Overall, Sodium Silicate is a widely used ingredient in the personal care industry. It’s used to improve soap, heal the skin and tighten the skin, it's also used in our Miners Natural Shaving Soap.
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